Thursday, August 16, 2012

Working With Units 3 - August 16th, 2012

Working with units

1.      Find out what is the radius (in m) and mass (in kg) of the earth. From the radius calculate the volume of the earth assuming it’s a perfect sphere. Then calculate the density of the earth in kg/m3.
radius of earth = 6378100m
mass of earth = 5.97219*1024 kg

volume of earth = à V=4/3 πr^3 àV = 1.086*1021 m3
density of earth = 5499.254 kg/m3

2.    A car travels from Tel Aviv to Haifa a distance of 100km in 50 minutes. Assuming the car moves at a constant speed, calculate the speed in m/s. (Change distance to m and time to seconds)
distance = 100km = 100000m
rate = 50 minutes = 3000 seconds
speed = distance/rate = 33.33 m/s

3.    A student riding on a bike, changes its speed from 1m/s to 3m/s over a period of 10 seconds. What is the acceleration including units. (Acceleration means the change in speed per second)
Change in speed = 3m/s – 1m/s = 2m/s
Rate of change = 10s
Accelarion = change in speed / rate of change
Acceleration = (3-1)/10 = 2/10 = 0.2 m/s2

4.    A satellite circles the earth once every hour and a half. Find the speed of the satellite in m/s. (Assume the satellite revolves very close to the earth’s surface.)
Circumference of earth = 2πr = 2*3.14*6378100 = 40054468m
Speed = distance/time = 40054468m/90minutes = 445049.64m/minutes = 7417.49m/s

5.     A force of 200N accelerates a 20kg object from rest. What acceleration is it causing? (Show also how you have obtained the units for your answer) (Remember: Force = mass x acceleration.)

Force = mass*acceleration à 200N = 20kg*acceleration à acceleration = 10N/kg
N = kgm/s2 à 10N/kg = 10m/s2

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