Thursday, August 16, 2012

Station Summaries - August 16th, 2012


Station 1

Summary: Two balls are thrown at the same time, one is let go without x-axis velocity but the second ball is thrown straight. Which ball will fall first?
Answer: Both will fall at the same time due to the constant acceleration due to gravity (9.8m/s2).

Station 2

Summary: Newtonian balls (study of momentum)

Station 3

Summary: A car has a propeller, which way will it move?
Answer: The opposite way where the air is blown. This is because of Newton’s third law of motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. As the propeller applies force on the air, the air applies the same force on the car which makes the car move the opposite way.

Station 4

Summary: Pendulum.
Question: What determines the amount of times it takes to make a complete swing?
Answer:  gravity, length of the rope
Wrong answers: force of pushing, mass of object
Summary: One of the pendulums starts swinging, will any of the others move as a result?
Answer: Yes. Due to similar natural frequencies, another pendulum with the same length will start moving as well. This is why opera singers can break glasses, because they manage to sing a pitch whose sounds waves match those of the glass.

Station 5

Summary: Balls roll in two different sloped structures. Which ball will fall faster?
Hypothesis: Same time because of their potential to reach the same max velocity.
Answer: The one with the steeper slope. The reason for this is that even though they both reach the same max velocity, that with the steeper slope reaches that velocity earlier.

Static Electricity

Station 6

Summary: A ruler is rubbed against another material to gain static electricity. After charged and when put next to water, the water moves toward the ruler.


Station 7

Summary:  2 big magnets are trying to touch each other where North touches North and South touches South.
Answer: Impossible. Opposite poles attract and similar poles repel.

Station 8

Summary: How do we make electricity?
Answer: All you need is a copper wire (or any other metal that is a good conductor of electricity) and a magnet. The three things that determine the amount of electricity produced is: speed of movement of magnet, size of magnet, amount of coil.

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