Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Unit 1 Review

Mathematical introduction to physics

1.     Express  a:     v=  square root of  2as
v2 = 2as à v2/2s = a
2.     Express t:      v =  v+  at
(v-v0)/a = t
3.     Express  c:      E  =  mc2
E/m = c2 à sqrt(E/m) = c

Solve the following (include units)         N = Kgm/s2    j = Nm   W=j/s
4.     2.5x1012 m/s2  x   3.3x1013 s  = (8.25x1025)m/s
5.     3.5x10-4kg  x  2.5x10-10m/s2 = (8.75x10-14)N
6.     6.5x105m/s  :    3.3x10-3s  = (1.97x108)m/s2
7.     2x105N    :     3x1015m/s2 = (6.67x10-11)Kg
8.     2.4x106w  *  2.3x103s  = (5.52x109)j

Can these equations be correct?  Use dimensional analysis of units to prove your point!   d (m)     v (m/s)      t (s)     a (m/s2)

1.     d = v/t   à m = (m/s)/s à m = m/s2 NOT VALID    
2.     d = vt + at2/2 à m = (m/s)(s) + (m/s2)(s2)/2 à m = m + m/2 VALID
3.     v = 2ad à (m/s) = 2(m/s2)(m) à (m/s) = (m2/s2) NOT VALID
Solve (your answer should be stated in MKS units)

1.     5.3x103km + 20m  = 5300000m + 20m = 5300020m                   
2.     0.5m/s + 2km/h  =  0.5m/s + 0.56m/s = 1.06m/s
3.     5.5x103 g + 20 kg = 5.5kg + 20kg = 25.5kg                          
4.     42cm + 2m  = 0.42m + 2m = 2.42m


Find the angles         a                               a= 15         b= 22
A = tan-1(15/22) = 34.30                                              
c = 26.6
B = cos-1(15/26.6) = 55.70               b                                
Find the sides a and  b          a                    
a à sin(250) = a/25 à a = 10.6
b à cos(250) = b/25 à b = 22.7

Use units and dimensional analysis to find out if the formulas are valid

1.     Distance = speed * time à m = (m/s)*s à VALID                         
2.     acceleration = speed/time à (m/s2) = (m/s)/(s) à VALID
3.     Force = mass * acceleration à N = kg*(m/s2) à VALID                    
4.     distance = energy * time à m = (j)*(s) à NOT VALID
5.     Power = work * time à (j/s) = (j)*(s) à NOT VALID                              
6.     speed = power/force à (m/s) = (j/s)/(N) à VALID

The displacement of an object from a start point was checked at 2 s intervals. The results are in the following chart

Time (t) in (s)
Displacement (d) in (m)

a.     Graph the results using proper graphing techniques.
b.     What is the relationship you observe?
c.      Find the constant (slope) including units. What quantity does it represent?
d.     Write the equation of the line.
e.      Show one example of interpolation and one for extrapolation.

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