Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Height of the Fence

We had an in-class "lab" today to try and measure the height of the fence using techniques available to scientists 500 years ago, such as Galileo. While standing 5m behind the fence, we used device called clinometer to measure the angle of elevation from our eyes to the top of the fence. Using the basic trigonometric function "tangent" we were able to calculate the height of the fence from the elevation of our eyes. We then measured the height of our eyes to the ground and added that to the final number. Daniel Neshto and I got the same results, 5.23, and we were the closest out of all the classes! No cheating involved.

Here are my calculations:

My height = 1.66m
Angle of elevation = 35.5 degrees 
Distance from fence = 5m

tan(35.5) = x/5
--> x = 5*tan(35.5) = 5.23

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