Monday, September 3, 2012

Constant Velocity

Constant velocity
Use the 3 colored tubes to analyze the motion of an air bubble.
For each tube – start with the bubble on the bottom. Then Mark on the tube the position of the bottom of the bubble after each second as it is rising up.
Measure the displacement of the bubble at the end of 1,2,3,4….. (as many seconds as you have).
On the same axes, draw a graph of position vs time for each tube. Label on the line which color it is. Use proper graphing techniques.
Answer the following questions:
1.     What is the slope in each case (including units) and what does the slope indicate?
2.     In which tube was the bubble fastest? Slowest? How can you tell?
3.     Show two examples of extrapolation with the green tube.
4.     Show 2 examples of interpolation with the red tube.
5.     How can we tell based on the graph that the bubbles in all tubes were moving at a constant velocity?

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